• June 30, 2019: Deadline for abstract submission. Authors will be notified regarding full papers within three weeks.
• October 4, 2019: Deadline for full paper submission.
• February 7, 2020: Authors notified about acceptance and required modifications.
• April 19, 2020: Final manuscript submission.
• June 29 – July 3, 2020: PSCC 2020
Abstracts (Deadline June 30, 2019)
The abstract should contain the title of the paper, contact person, authors and their affiliations, keywords, and a summary of the paper. Within three weeks of the deadline for receipt of the abstract, the contact person will be notified if the abstract is accepted or not.
Detailed instructions on the format and submission procedures for abstracts and papers can be found at:
Abstracts should be submitted here:
Full Papers (Deadline October 4, 2019)
After acceptance of the abstract, authors will be requested to submit the full paper. Papers accepted for PSCC are normally no longer than 7 pages. However, in exceptional cases, up to 2-3 additional pages can be accepted if the extra length is required to fully but still succinctly develop and explain an idea and its application. In such cases, the authors will be required to briefly explain why the extra length is necessary.
Detailed instructions on the format and submission procedures for abstracts and papers can be found at Note that only electronically submitted abstracts and papers are considered.
All papers are evaluated by the Technical Programme Committee through a fair and rigorous procedure in order to guarantee a technical program of outstanding quality. In order to be published in the final conference proceedings, all accepted papers must be presented at the conference by one of the named authors. English will be used for all printed material, as well as for the technical presentations and discussions.
All accepted and presented papers will be posted publicly on the PSCC website ( ) and included in a special issue of the journal Electric Power Systems Research (EPSR) indexed by ScienceDirect. Accordingly, all authors must agree to the EPSR copyright policies available at this URL:
The following list of topics is not exhaustive but is offered in order to help prospective authors identify what is likely to be in scope.
• Assessment of system issues in the presence of uncertainty or unbundling:
• Power system planning and operation
• Asset management
• Massive integration of renewable energy resources
• Distributed storage systems
• Power system economics, energy markets, and regulation
• Power system reliability and security
• Uncertainty and risk management methods
• Modelling and analysis of power system performance and control
• Blackout prevention, system resilience, and restoration
• Control centre technologies and advanced operator tools
• Wide-area monitoring and control
• Power system dynamics
• Power system protection
• Power systems as part of multi-energy systems
• Power systems and electro-mobility
• Distribution system monitoring, operation, and control
• Aggregation of distributed energy resources
• Flexible demand
• Power electronics and HVDC as part of a power system
• Electro-magnetic transients on a system
• Power quality
• Integrated modelling and operation of information and communication technologies (ICT) in power systems
• Cyber security in power systems operation and control
• ICT-driven intelligent and autonomous controls
• Modelling of cyber-physical energy and communication systems
• Data analysis and computation applied to power systems
• Data-driven modelling techniques
• Machine learning, statistics, and computational intelligence
• Management and utilisation of big data• Mathematical and computational issues in modelling and simulation
• Forecasting methods
• Condition monitoring and diagnostics
• Modelling and simulation
• Optimisation and mathematical programming
• Uncertainty and risk management methods
• Control theory and control frameworks
• Communication technology
• Signal processing
• Computational intelligence including evolutionary techniques, Artificial Neural Networks, etc.
• Machine learning and statistics
• Semantic web technologies
Four types of papers are sought:
• Type 1: New approaches and techniques for modelling, analysis, or control of power systems.
• Type 2: Improvements in methodologies or modelling currently applied in the power system domain
• Type 3: Case studies and experience with implementations of new methodologies
• Type 4: Case studies and experience in the application of computational methods to modern power systems challenges.